Профилактика гриппа на английском языке
Выбранный для просмотра документ Flu.pptx
Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
Найдите в тексте и выучите слова и выражения Тяжелое заболевание Боли во всем теле В большинстве случаев Чувствовать себя слабым Простуда передается через руки Вежливый Severe disease General pains In most cases To feel weak Colds pass through the hands Polite
Do you know the symptoms of influenza? How long must the patient stay in bed? How does the patient feel after influenza? Answer the questions:
Заполните в тетради таблицу Название заболевания Симптомы/symptoms Рекомендации по лечению/ recommendations for treatment Influenza / flu ……. ………
Symptoms a bad cough high temperature / fever the pain in the limbs / general pains. a headache
Treatment drink much water stay in bed to be warm take some sulfa drugs and vitamins
Recommendations: Never shake hands when you have a cold. Do morning exercises every day. Strengthen you immunity
Выбранный для просмотра документ грипп.doc
Выучите слова к тексту:
influenza [, influ ' enza ] грипп вирус ный, инфлюэнца
3 . depressed [di'prest] part II подавлен ный ,
Influenza is a very infectious disease. The disease can be mild 2 or severe.
The symptoms of influenza are: high temperature, headache, general pains.
In most cases the patient must stay in bed, be warm, drink much water. The patient must stay in bed until the temperature is normal and for the next two or three days he may be up for only short periods. After influenza patients feel weak and often depressed 3 .
As influenza is very infectious you must remember:
Never shake hands when you have a cold. Colds pass through ( через ) the hands. But don't say: "I cannot shake hands. I have a cold." Let it be as if you forgot ( забыли ) to shake hands. But you must be very polite ( вежли вый ) in speech.
тяжелое заболевание; высокая температура; боли во всем теле; лег кий случай; оставаться в постели; чувствовать себя слабым
1. Do you know the symptoms of influenza? 2. How long must the patient stay in bed? 3. How does the patient feel after influenza ?
III . Выпишите из текста и перескажите по-английски рекомендации больному гриппом.
IV . Поставьте вопросы к следующим ответам:
1. Influenza is a very infectious disease. 2. The symptoms of influenza are: high temperature, headache, general pains. 3. The patient must stay in bed. 4. After influenza the patients feel weak.
A 40-year old man came home from work. In the evening he felt a bad headache and cold. Next morning his wife called a doctor. The doctor examined the man and found all the symptoms of influenza 1 . The man com plained of pains in the head, back, eyes, limbs and joints 2 . His temperature was 38.5 °C (thirty-eight point five). He was hoarse 3 and had a bad cough. He often sneezed 4 The doctor prescribed some medicine to the man and told him to keep in bed for some days. The man took the medicine regularly and stayed 5 in bed. In a few days the temperature became normal, there was no pain in the limbs and joints but he remained hoarse for several days. In two weeks he was well again and went to work.
influenza ['influ'enza] n грипп 4. to sneeze [sni:z] v чихать
joint [d ʒ oint] n сустав 5. to stay [stei] v оставаться
to be hoarse [ho:s] v охрипнуть
Laughter is the Best Medicine
"Are you feeling very ill?" asked the doctor. "Show me your tongue." "It's no use. Doctor," said the patient. "No tongue can tell you how ill I feel."
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